Narrative Exposure Training

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) was taught during my PhD program. I had already been trained in a few evidence-based trauma processing modalities and none of them were the right fit for me. When I learned about NET, I was immediately drawn to the many unique aspects that had been missing from prior modalities. I immediately starting using it with my clients who had PTSD and Complex PTSD. I’ve been so honored to hear their trauma narratives and have seen first hand the power of this modality. I’m always eager to teach NET and share knowledge with others.

Brief NET Presentation

Free free to check out this approximately 40 minute overview of Narrative Exposure Therapy!

Interested in getting trained in NET?

Please check out my event training and registration page

The phenomenal creators of NET, Dr. Maggie Schauer, Prof. Dr. Frank Neuner, and Professor emeritus Dr. Thomas Elbert do trainings periodically in/from Germany which you can find here.

If you are interested in remote training opportunities please get in touch:

What I offer: